The Hilton Arlington VA hotel is located in the vibrant Ballston area. The hotel is near the Metro which provides easy access to local attractions, including the Arlington National Cemetery, Iwo Jima Memorial and the Smithsonian Institution. Cross the hotel's skywalk to enjoy a unique shopping experience at the Ballston Common Mall. Guest rooms at the Hilton Arlington hotel are bright and spacious, featuring beds with 250-thread count sheets. Keep up with work at the desk with high-speed internet access, or relax with your favorite show on the 32-inch flat-screen HDTV.8, 000 sq. ft. of meeting and event space makes ours a great choice among Arlington, VA hotels for a business or social gathering near Washington DC. The hotel has a total of eight function rooms which can accommodate up to 500 guests in a variety of seating styles. Work out in this Arlington hotel’s modern fitness center, which includes both cardiovascular machines such as elliptical trainers, stationary bikes and resistance equipment. Enjoy cuisine from the hotel’s on-site restaurant, Dan & Brad’s, Ballston’s best business casual restaurant featuring fresh locally sourced American cuisine. Sample the menu featuring items from the nation’s largest natural estuary, our own Chesapeake Bay, and ingredients from around the world presented in a contemporary way.
Disclaimer: The image shown is for illustrative purposes only and may not represent the actual hotel room. The room layout, furniture, amenities, and view may vary depending on the availability and location of the hotel.
“We had a pleasant and safe stay during the pandemic over the holiday season - no small feat to pull off. The staff was available and friendly. In particular we'd like to thank the waiter at Dan and Brad's Steakhouse who helped us get a crab cake just before closing which we had been searching for all trip. Thank you so much!!”
— Jessica Welsh
“The staff was great. They accommodated parking the oversized vehicle I was driving, we’re friendly, helpful and pleasant. That said there were some issues. The reading light next to the chair didn’t work. The outlet it was plugged into was very loose in the wall. Not the end if the world. When I got into bed the sheets, comforter and pillow cases were very damp. I had to call down to the front desk for replacements. This morning when I got in the shower, the shower handle and trim ring came crashing off the shower wall onto my foot. There was blue masking tape inside the cover which I assume was some attempt to keep it in place by maintenance.”
— Peter Ruggeri
Customers review
Overall Excellent, 4.3
Value 3.8
Location 4.7
Cleanliness 4.6
Comfort 4.4
Neighborhood 4.5
Amenities 4.3
Condition 4.3
Recomendation 89.5%
Steven Jang
Sep 17, 2022
hospedado aqui para 1 noite e estacionado durante a visita. O estacionamento custa US$ 22/noite. É estacionamento subterrâneo, mas não é próprio do hotel. O processo de check-in foi fácil e bem recebido pela recepcionista. O quarto era bom e eu adoro o ar condicionado, pois não era programa para economizar energia que tornasse o quarto frio ou quente do jeito que os hóspedes desejam. Como membro diamante, havia acesso gratuito ao lounge. Ainda não há muitos hotéis que abriram seu salão e ainda bem que o fizeram. O lounge serve lanches das 17h às 19h. Não muita comida, mas melhor do que nada. Além disso, inclui café da manhã gratuito em vez do crédito de US$ 15. Eu amo isso. Ao lado do hotel, havia restaurantes para casais. O hotel tem uma ponte que liga ao shopping. Mesmo assim, estava chovendo forte durante a minha visita, não preciso me preocupar em me molhar por ter a ponte de conexão com o shopping. Eu realmente recomendo o hotel.
Steven Jang
Sep 17, 2022
Stayed here for 1 night and parked during visit. The parking cost $22/night. It is underground parking but not own by the hotel. The check-in process was easy and welcomed by the receptionist. The room was nice and I love the AC as it was not program to save energy that make the room cold or hot the way guest want. As diamond member, there was a free access to lounge. Not many hotels opened their lounge yet and glad they did. The lounge serve snack during 5-7pm. Not lots of food but better than nothing. Also, includr free breakfast rather than the $15 credit. I love it. Next to the hotel, there were couples restaurants. The hotel has a bridge that connect to the mall. Even though, it was raining hard during my visit, i do not have to worry get wet by having the bridge connection to the mall. I really recommend the hotel.
Peter Ruggeri
Sep 15, 2022
A equipe foi ótima. Eles acomodaram o estacionamento do veículo grande que eu estava dirigindo, somos amigáveis, prestativos e agradáveis. Disse que havia alguns problemas. A luz de leitura ao lado da cadeira não funcionou. A tomada em que estava conectado estava muito solta na parede. Não é o fim do mundo. Quando me deitei, os lençóis, edredons e fronhas estavam muito úmidos. Eu tive que ligar para a recepção para substituições. Esta manhã, quando entrei no chuveiro, a alça do chuveiro e o anel de acabamento caíram da parede do chuveiro no meu pé. Havia fita adesiva azul dentro da capa, o que suponho que foi uma tentativa de mantê-la no lugar por meio de manutenção.
Peter Ruggeri
Aug 23, 2022
The staff was great. They accommodated parking the oversized vehicle I was driving, we’re friendly, helpful and pleasant. That said there were some issues. The reading light next to the chair didn’t work. The outlet it was plugged into was very loose in the wall. Not the end if the world. When I got into bed the sheets, comforter and pillow cases were very damp. I had to call down to the front desk for replacements. This morning when I got in the shower, the shower handle and trim ring came crashing off the shower wall onto my foot. There was blue masking tape inside the cover which I assume was some attempt to keep it in place by maintenance.
Aug 15, 2022
Provavelmente meu local favorito do Hilton em torno de DC agora. O serviço ao cliente foi ótimo. O café da manhã era ótimo e tinha uma seleção real que estava realmente incluída. O salão executivo era bom. Esta localização é à direita na estação de metrô Ballston que o tornou muito conveniente. Eu ficarei feliz em ficar aqui novamente.
Malchik Robles
Aug 15, 2022
Eu queria dar um agradecimento especial a este hotel por cuidar de meus pais no fim de semana de 4 de julho. Eu tinha quatro membros da família vindos da Califórnia, e eles escolheram ficar aqui por causa da proximidade de nossa casa e da cidade. Em primeiro lugar, os quartos são muito espaçosos, e as comodidades foram super incríveis! Minha família mencionou que a equipe aqui realmente saiu do seu caminho para tornar a sua estadia especial. Até minhas próprias interações com alguns dos funcionários sempre foram ótimas. O que mais gostamos no hotel foi a sua localização. Há um shopping a uma curta viagem de elevador até o nível inferior, e eles têm uma praça de alimentação e vários grandes varejistas. Além do mais, a estação de metrô está localizada no andar de baixo, então fomos todos capazes de viajar para o centro da cidade para ver os fogos de artifício sem o incômodo de dirigir ou procurar estacionamento. Meu povo com certeza escolherá este hotel novamente na próxima vez que vier nos visitar.
Aug 15, 2022
Probably my favorite Hilton location around DC now. The customer service was great. The breakfast was great and had a real selection that was actually included. The executive lounge was nice. This location is right at the Ballston Metro station which made it VERY convenient. I will happily stay here again.
Malchik Robles
Jul 21, 2022
I wanted to give special thanks to this hotel for taking care of my folks over the fourth of July weekend. I had four family members fly in from California, and they chose to stay here because of its proximity to our house and the city. Firstly,.the rooms themselves are very spacious, and the amenities were super awesome! My family mentioned that the staff here really went out of their way to make their stay special. Even my own interactions with some of the employees were always great. The thing that we liked best about the hotel was its location. There is a mall just a short elevator ride down to the lower level, and they have a food court and several major retailers. Whats more, the metro station is located right downstairs, so we were all able to travel downtown to see the fireworks without the hassle of driving or searching for parking. My people will for sure choose this hotel again the next time they come to visit us.
Nancy Woods
Jul 15, 2022
Ótimo lugar para ficar em Washington. A equipe é EXCESSIVAMENTE prestativa e gentil com os viajantes! O café da manhã é ótimo... um pouco caro, mas lembre-se de onde você está... este hotel fica muito perto do shopping, do metrô e de todos os pontos turísticos que você deseja ver. O serviço de táxi em DC é maravilhoso e os motoristas são gentis. Participamos de uma conferência no Hilton e a equipe de atendimento é incrível e profissional. O serviço de quarto é bem organizado e rápido. Quando você liga para a recepção para fazer perguntas, eles querem ajudá-lo sempre. Da próxima vez que estiver viajando individualmente em Washington, este Hilton será meu destino. Obrigado por uma ótima experiência e por sua equipe atenciosa e gentil.
Nancy Woods
Jun 17, 2022
Great place to stay in Washington. The staff is EXCEEDINGLY helpful and kind to travelers! The breakfast is great...a bit pricey but remember where you're at.... this hotel is very close to the mall, the Metro, and all sights you want to see. The taxi service in DC is wonderful and the drivers are kind. We attended a conference at the Hilton and the serving staff is amazing and professional. The room service is well organized and prompt. When you call the front desk to ask questions they want to help you every time. Next time I'm traveling individually in Washington this Hilton will be my destination. Thank you for a GREAT experience and for your thoughtful and kind staff.
Jun 15, 2022
Bom hotel. Boas taxas. Quarto é moderno e limpo. Ótima localização - muita boa comida e cerveja a uma curta distância, o que é bom, pois o restaurante do hotel é um pouco fraco em ambos. O café da manhã do Executive Lounge é excelente, assim como o serviço.
Jun 15, 2022
I will start by saying our room was booked last minute. Not by choice, but we were stranded in need of a room for the night. I called the hotel and asked about room availability and was told there was a room available. Great! However, they would not accept a reservation over the phone or take payment to secure the room which is contrary to my experience with other Hilton hotels. They insisted we drive there and be taken as a walk-in. Fine. We risked the late night drive and possibility of the room being booked before we arrived. Upon arrival, the room was available. Great! However, we were not greeted at the check in desk as the attendant was busy on their phone or something- not with another guest. Once I got their attention, we were not greeted pleasantly and they didn’t seem interested in their potential guests. I was not asked about any Hilton membership I may have and after getting the room key, was not instructed on where to go, what time breakfast was, or offered any information about our stay. Overall, they answered all my questions and were helpful when pushed, but were not forthcoming in accommodating their new guests and not very warm. I would understand if they were busy, but there were no other guests even in the lobby. Writing a negative review is not something I wanted to do but if someone is in a similar position, it may be best to try elsewhere first.Lastly the room was fairly clean, but there was a large cabinet in the room which seemed very odd. In it were the fridge and coffee maker. The coffee maker was on the bottom shelf about a foot from the floor which was inconvenient. Again… overall, didn’t get the warm and fuzzies, but I guess beggars can’t be choosers. We got a good nights sleep and left in the morning.I don’t like bickering but if this were a cheaper motel or days inn, I would understand. For what we had to pay, it was an uncomfortable experience.
May 30, 2022
Nice hotel. Good rates. Room is modern and clean. Great location-lots of good food and beer within walking distance, which is a good thing since the hotel restaurant is a little weak on both. Executive Lounge breakfast is excellent, as is the service.
Sarah Beets
May 15, 2022
Ótima localização ao lado do metrô. Fácil acesso a lojas como 7/11 e iHop. Tivemos um problema com o nosso quarto, onde havia um som de gotejamento durante toda a noite, mas quando alertamos a equipe, eles chamaram alguém para examiná-lo imediatamente e, quando não conseguiram nos consertar, prontamente nos mudaram para um novo quarto. Ótimo lugar para uma família e o café foi ótimo, o que sempre ajuda. Com certeza ficarei novamente!
Wagner Rubens Pinto Pires
Apr 21, 2022
O hotel é excelente, mas alguns funcionários deixam a desejar pela arrogância e incompetência. Em compensação, outros funcionários são bastante atenciosos.
Sarah Beets
Apr 18, 2022
Great location right next to the metro. Easy access to shops like 7/11 and iHop. We had an issue with our room where there was a dripping sound all through the night but when we alerted the staff they got someone in to look into it right away and when they couldn’t fix us they promptly moved us to a new room. Great place for a family and the coffee was great which always helps. Will definitely stay again!
Magen Richardson
Apr 14, 2022
Durante uma viagem de trabalho, meu marido e eu reservamos uma estadia de 1 noite aqui. Estávamos dirigindo uma van da empresa e não conseguimos passar pela clareira da garagem do hotel. As ruas laterais tinham estacionamento limitado ou nenhum, o que foi um pouco frustrante. Uma vez que falei com o concierge sobre o nosso problema, ele rapidamente veio em nosso socorro e fez algumas exceções para nós. Eles foram muito respeitosos com nosso tempo e frustrações e cuidaram muito de nós.
Magen Richardson
Apr 10, 2022
During a work trip, my husband and I booked a 1 night stay here. We were driving a company van and could not pass the clearing for the hotel parking garage. Side streets had either limited or no parking so that was a little frustrating. Once I spoke to the concierge about our problem, he quickly came to our rescue and made a few exceptions for us. They were very respectful of our time and frustrations and took great care of us.
Yoshikazu Kirihara
Mar 21, 2022
Foi bom que eu pudesse ir diretamente da estação e os arredores eram tranquilos. Fiquei por 3 noites, mas teria sido melhor se houvesse uma mudança no café da manhã. Era tranquilo à noite porque era um distrito comercial, mas acho que era seguro mesmo se você andasse.
Ernest Wysocki
Mar 21, 2022
Quarto era espaçoso e impecável! A equipe foi amigável. A garagem não pôde acomodar minha picape, baixa folga. Preço era muito razoável para um hotel de qualidade.
Gordon McClendon
Mar 21, 2022
Hilton Arlington está estrategicamente localizado e é um ótimo lugar para realizar uma reunião de negócios. Imagino que o estacionamento com manobrista retornará quando a pandemia de covid diminuir. Fica logo acima do metrô se você não estiver dirigindo.
Mar 21, 2022
Wonderful hotel with great location! Very safe area with plenty of restaurants and little convenience stores within 2min walk. On-site parking $20/day. Park your car and take the Metro. Ballston stop is literally 2 steps from the hotels main door-1 min ride to Arlibgton National Cemetery, 4 min to the National Mall area.
Gordon McClendon
Mar 02, 2022
Hilton Arlington is strategically located and a great place to hold a business meeting. I imagine valet parking will return when the covid pandemic eases. It's right above the metro if you afresh are not driving.
Yoshikazu Kirihara
Feb 28, 2022
It was good that I could go directly from the station and the surroundings were quiet.
I stayed for 3 nights, but it would have been better if there had been a change in the breakfast.
It was quiet at night because it was a business district, but I think it was safe even if you walk.
Ernest Wysocki
Feb 22, 2022
Room was spacious and spotless! Staff was friendly. Garage could not accommodate my pickup, low clearance. Price was very reasonable for a quality hotel.
Dee Brevard
Feb 21, 2022
O engraçado é... Eu estava realmente cético em relação a esta parte do norte da Virgínia porque geralmente ficamos no coração de DC, mas quando chegamos fiquei CHOCADO Este hotel era muito tranquilo, limpo, pessoal profissional e tem uma ótima atmosfera TUDO está perto e convence lojas, loja AbC, restaurantes (refeições requintadas), padarias, faculdades, shopping! Fico feliz que escolhemos esta propriedade provavelmente ficaria novamente.
Dee Brevard
Feb 21, 2022
Funny thing is... I was real skeptical of this part of Northern Virginia because we usually stay in the Heart of D.C but as we arrived i was SHOCKED This Hotel was very QUIET, CLEAN, PROFESSIONAL staff and has a great atmosphere EVERYTHING is NEAR and convince stores, AbC store, restaurants (fine dining) ,bakeries,colleges, Mall ! Glad we chose this property would most likely stay again.
Jan 21, 2022
Localização é o que realmente vende este hotel. Caso contrário, é uma instalação mais antiga que precisa de uma reforma. Devo dizer que os funcionários da recepção e do restaurante foram amigáveis e, como membro Hilton Gold, recebi um upgrade de cortesia para o Club Level, embora não tenha certeza de como meu quarto era diferente dos outros andares. A cama king era confortável e o quarto tem um pequeno frigorífico com micro-ondas, no entanto, o a / c unidade era extremamente barulhento a ponto de preferir que ficasse desligado a maior parte do tempo.
Jessica Welsh
Jan 21, 2022
Tivemos uma estadia agradável e segura durante a pandemia durante a temporada de férias - não é pouca coisa. A equipe estava disponível e amigável. Em particular, gostaríamos de agradecer ao garçom do Dan e Brad's Steakhouse, que nos ajudou a obter um bolo de caranguejo pouco antes de fechar, que estávamos procurando durante toda a viagem. Muito obrigado!!
Jan 21, 2022
Location is what really sells this hotel.Otherwise, it's an older facility in need of a facelift. I will say that the workers at the front desk and restaurant were friendly and as a Hilton Gold Member, I received a courtesy upgrade to the Club Level, although I'm not sure how my room was different from other floors. The king bed was comfortable and the room has a small fridge with microwave, however, the a/c unitwas extremely loud to the point where I preferred it to stay off most of the time.
Jessica Welsh
Jan 21, 2022
We had a pleasant and safe stay during the pandemic over the holiday season - no small feat to pull off. The staff was available and friendly. In particular we'd like to thank the waiter at Dan and Brad's Steakhouse who helped us get a crab cake just before closing which we had been searching for all trip. Thank you so much!!
Marco Castaño
Nov 21, 2021
Buen precio, muy comodo, impecable, excelente ubicación. Recomiendo desayunar en el ihop que está en frente al hotel.
Paulina Cabrera
Apr 21, 2021
Maravilloso lugar para disfrutar
Jose flores
Apr 21, 2021
Es genial de 100 de hoteles q e estado es el mejor
Rene Alvarado
Apr 21, 2020
Muy agradable el hotel, silencioso
Andres Franco
Apr 21, 2019
Por dentro el hotel está bien pero los parques demasiados reducidos pareciera que son para parquear motocicleta, los autos quedan muy estrechos.
Martha Estrada Jimenez
Apr 21, 2019
Huele feo en la nochr
verito Andrade
Apr 21, 2018
Espléndido pase mi Luna de miel hace 23 año y volvimos este año , limpio elegante y para ser muy céntricoa muy buen precio
Jaime Ortega
Apr 21, 2018
Excente hotel con una ubicación estratégica. Sobre la estación de Ballston desde donde se puede tomar la línea naranja del metro, también es la parada de varias rutas de buses lo que facilita llegar a cualquier lugar de Arlington. Es muy completo y cómodo, y aunque dice que el servicio de internet es pago, hay internet gratuito. Las habitaciones cuentas con escritorio, horno y cafetera. En general muy buena experiencia.
Great stay at Hilton Arlington
We had a great experience in this facility for a business meeting over several days; then stayed on for a short family trip and had continued good experiences from breakfast, to front desk and...
Elizabeth L
Friendly staff!
The staff was great whenever there was an interaction. The business event was well supported. The location is close to shopping and restaurants. Only issue is the gym is a little small...
William S
Enjoyable Overnight
My wife and I stayed overnight on a Saturday in February on points. Check in was quick with no fuss and when I identified myself as a Hilton Honors Gold level member the clerk upgraded us to a...
David D
The hotel staff were friendly and professional from check in until check out. The rooms were clean and fresh.The quality of bedding and bathroom towels was over and above.The hotel was very close to...
Couples trip
It was nice and in a covenant location close to everything only down side is the rooms being a little dated and hair on the ground in my room. Front desk staff were very nice and informative, sink...
Great Hotel & Amazing Location!
This hotel is in a great location! The Ballston metro station is right outside the hotel and there are a ton of restaurants in the area. The rooms are extremely clean and sanitized. The beds are so...
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